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Welcome to Bonnie Kurowski LLC, where we help you optimize your campaigns or teach you investigative journalism. Our team of experienced consultants provides tailored solutions designed to help you achieve your goals and drive change.
President Trump's inauguration is approaching, but let’s be clear: the world is not ending. Fear has long been a tool in politics—used to control people and win elections—and this is no different.
Because he is just one man. Human. And we are millions. We hold the power—the power to run for office, to vote, to protest, to rally behind causes, and to join forces with others who share our vision. No one can force you to abandon who you are or what you believe in.
If you’re afraid to stand on the front lines, it’s because they’ve already planted fear in your mind. This is by design. Dark money and hidden agendas are working to push us toward dictatorship. But remember, dictatorship requires one thing: OUR agreement.
Some of us refuse to agree. Some of us are fighting back. I am one of them. As a fearless journalist, I am recruiting and training others across America, supporting campaigns to protect democracy, and educating people to take action. And I am not alone.
Even if you can’t join the larger fight, you can still win smaller battles. Support a local cause. Donate. Write. Speak up. But whatever you do, don’t sit idly by and let them dictate your future or harm your loved ones.
Power lies in numbers. Fear of the unknown comes from their control over the media and the narrative. They own the papers and repeat messages until you believe their agenda is inevitable. Look up “Echo Chamber.” As a journalist, I’ve spent the last six years studying and exposing how echo chambers are used to manipulate public opinion.
Now is the time to question everything, stand together, and act.
Join in to help write stories anonymously, run for office or attend local events.
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